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Safety Critical Medicals


Safety Critical Medicals

Some roles within a workplace environment may be risk assessed as more safety critical than other roles, typically where there is greater risk to safety through sudden ill-health; for example somebody collapsing sitting at a desk is unlikely to be as dangerous as sudden black-out driving a forklift full of chemical canisters.  Therefore it is recommend such “Safety” critical roles should have periodic medical assessments to assess the health of those employees in such roles.  These are medicals conducted by an Occupational Health Nurse Advisor and take up to 1 hour.

There are, of course, many safety critical roles which is not a  problem, the principals are very similar are we can apply our expertise to tailor our Safety Critical Medical to any appropriate standard and risk profile.

Lone Worker Medicals

Similar to Safety Critical medicals, where employees are regularly working alone in more ‘remote’ environments (for example working alone in a large warehouse at night) and where perhaps help may be a long-time coming in case of sudden incapacity then it could be considered a reasonable precaution to have periodic health assessments, trying to pick-up health risk factors that may make people more vulnerable.   We would refer to these as Lone Worker Medical assessments and could take the form of questionnaires or physical medicals.