Management Referral
Register your Company
To proceed with an assessment, you will firstly need to register on our secure online portal – CHARM. Then you can immediately continue with adding your first Management Referral.
When you are ready to start your company registration, please begin by following this link – and choosing the option to register.
Note: It is possible to register your company multiple times albeit with slightly different names, for example ABCD and Sons Ltd, ABCD and Sons, ABCD & Sons ltd, and so on. So please do be clear who is going to set up your organisation initially. You only need to do this initial set-up once.
During the registration you will be asked to complete some details about yourself and your company and can check out our standard T&Cs and GDPR agreement. Once the registration is completed, an email with your username and password will be sent to you and you will be ready to start submitting your referrals. It is also then easy to set-up other users of the account.
CHARM is designed to work with the latest internet browsers, so should you use an older system such as Internet Explorer then we would recommend using one of the latest browsers such as Chrome, Edge or Firefox.
Management Referral Process
The first part of the referral process is for you to enter your employee’s details and complete the Management Referral form.
The section on specific questions is the key to addressing your concerns and directing the contents of the report. So please do spend a few minutes thinking of the key points/questions you want addressing.
For a standard referral, the only normal sources of information are from you (the employer) and from the employee at the consultation itself. It is therefore very important that if you have any background information such as job descriptions, absence history, GP reports, other reports, etc… these are also made available, via the portal, to the Doctor (or Adviser) to ensure they have your viewpoint available to them.
Referral Consent
The employee needs to agree to attend and, importantly, to understand why the referral is being arranged. You should fully explain why you are asking for the referral and seek their consent.
If the employee attends for the appointment, then we assume a level of consent (to participate) has been gained by the employer. However, the clinician will seek further consent at the consultation itself for our purposes.
The clinician will go through the content and the reason for the referral at the start of the appointment to ensure they have ‘informed consent’ to continue and at the end of the appointment further positive consent will be gained to issue the report to Management.
Important Notes:
- If you do not provide a key element of background information or ask the question you really want to be answered, then the employee is unlikely to raise these and the clinician cannot be expected to address these.
- Individuals have an absolute right to see the referral form (and any attachments) under both GMC’s ethical guidelines and GDPR (Subject Access Request); we cannot refuse them this access.
OH Physicians appointments are in very high demand and are typically booked about two to three weeks in advance for face-to-face appointments. However, we can arrange OH Physician (or Adviser) telephone consultations much quicker; telephone consultations are suitable for many types of issues. If you have a preference for a particular type of appointment, then please do let us know.
We will liaise with you in regards the appointment date, the arrangements and generally guide you through the process but at any time you can utilise CHARM to see what stage the case is at.
Once an appointment is complete, the management report will be written and issued to you in line with your employee’s consent.
Please contact us for our standard pricing.
Click here for other frequently asked questions regarding Occupational Health Management Referrals.